

Welcome to my page! I’m so happy you joined me on this journey!

I am a mom of two plus a stepmom of six and a pet mom of eight. I know right !! We have a happy fulfilling life with our tribe.  Over the years we experience many trials and tribulations, it’s our willingness to push through them and keep a positive attitude that can be tough. Believe me I understand!

I was in the hotel/hospitality business for 20 plus years and let me tell you as gratifying as it was, that business is tough, especially the further you move up the ranks. It’s pretty much sink or swim. I knew I could swim pretty good and I know in my heart I was a great manager but I still felt like there was something I wasn’t doing right.

It wasn’t until recent months that I really found myself soul searching and saying to myself “this is not my life purpose anymore, I have all these spiritual gifts that have been given to me and I’m not even using them!”. So I woke one morning after being laid off from my J.O.B. and it hit me square in the face! I am a light worker!  I have known for a long time but never truly allowed myself to  do what it is I’m supposed to do…fulfill my purpose! My purpose in life is to teach you about yourself and how to find your purpose and understand yourself better.

I have found the secret to overcoming the negatives in my life and wanted to take my lessons and turn them into teachings to help you. I am happy to help with many services. All customizable according to your journey and where you see yourself on this adventure we call life. I look forward to helping you on your journey and am excited to be a part of it!

 See below for a list of my Services

1 hour Life Coach Session $75.00

Crystal Healing $50.00

Oracle card reading $25.00

Positive Mind Coaching per month $500

( includes 1 hour weekly session, weekly oracle reading, pouch with hand selected crystals for your growing and healing process and access to Happy Mind =Happy Life Support Group page)

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