Understanding the Laws of Karma

Do you find yourself asking; Why does this always happen to me? Why won’t things change? Why is it when one great thing happens a whole lot of negative things follow? Here’s your answer… you’re not following the laws of karma. It’s that simple. 

There are twelve laws of karma. Each law teaches you how to be closer to your higher self and how to attract that which you desire. Heres a breakdown of each law:

The Great Law

What you put into the universe is what you will attract. Basically “what you sow is what you shall reap.” If your constantly negative and thinking “why does this always happen to me?” Life will not change, you will continue to have negative things happen because you’re feeding and breeding negativity. Instead when a negative situation arises, change your mind set. You might be having a crappy moment right now; you can change that moment just by changing your thought process. 

The Law of Creation

Life doesn’t just simply happen, you create your life. You are one with the universe so what you put out is what you will receive. You want a better life? Then start visualizing yourself in the life you want. Start believing you are in the life. Surround yourself in the life you want to live. Nobody can do this but YOU. You are the creator of your life with the help of the universe, of course. 

The Law of Humility 

This is one of my favorite laws. It’s about understanding our egos. We can’t change things if we do not allow ourselves to accept it first. There are three types of egos


This person is so focused on what others think of them. They are afraid to be loved; they give love but have a hard time accepting love in return. They are full of self-doubt and have dreams but because they doubt themselves and their situation they cannot move forward. This person is trapped in their situation. They have a low self-esteem


This person is balanced. They understand that sometimes they have to ask for help. They give love and receive love. They understand it’s ok to love themselves and free themselves. This person understands that situations are in the moment and not who they truly are. They have a balanced self-esteem. They know they are not perfect but they perfect as themselves. 

Ego Maniac

This person is full of themselves. They take love and give nothing in return. Typically this person is very narcissistic and put down others because it makes them feel good about themselves. This person thinks they have a very high self-esteemof themselves but in reality their actions are that of someone with a low self-esteem. This is why they feed off of making others feel lesser than them. 

This law is important to understanding where you need to be. To accept that humility is not a negative factor it’s actually a very positive factor because it teaches you it’s ok to love and be loved. It’s ok to accept you are not perfect to everyone but you are your own perfect being. Understanding humility is balancing yourself; you are great but so is everyone else. Accept negative people and negative situations that arise, find the good in everything. It’s not a pipe dream it truly is reality. 

The Law of Growth

“Where ever you go, there you are” in order to grow, you have to change. Change is a part of life. You have to allow yourself to learn life’s lessons. If you do not learn from your lessons, your journey will never change. Your cycle will never change. The same things will continue to happen over and over because you choose not to learn the important and valuable lessons your journey is trying to teach you. You have to accept and change what is in your heart, only then will your life change. Embrace your life lessons, be thankful for the lessons you are learning about yourself. When you figure that part out that’s when things will start to change. 

The Law of Responsibility 

You and only you are responsible for what happens in your life. It’s called Universal Truth. We as human beings mirror what is in our life and our life mirrors us. You must change and take responsibility for your life. The things that are happening are not happening because of someone else, they are happening becausethat is what you put out into the Universe. Take responsibility of your life. 

The Law of Connection 

Everything in the universe is connected. What does that mean to you? Simple, every step you take leads you to another step. Your past, present and future are all connected by stepping stones you have taken, are taking and will be taking. Think about it what led you here today. What steps in your past have you taken that led you to right here and now? What steps are you taking toward your future? Everything you do leads you to somewhere. Again life doesn’t just happen; you have led yourself to this point. What is your next step? 

The Law of Focus 

Focus on your spirituality. Put more focus on your spirituality.  Focusing on negative things like paying the bills or your pain and suffering means youre allowing the negatives things to consume you which will lead you in the wrong path.  To me personally this means “give it all to God”. Ask for help and change your focus to your spiritual side, your egotistical side. Don’t let your ego get the best of you. This law partners with the law of humility, knowing when to ask your ascended masters for help. 

The Law of Giving and Hospitality 

Putting what you have learned to work. If you want better things, you can’t just expect they will come if you don’t give back. Practice what you preach. “You will be called upon to demonstrate that particular truth”.   I like to think of this as having a half ass belief in something and not practicing it in your life. Like giving someone advice but you’re not taking your own advice. Change it! If you give advice make sure you’redoing what advice you are giving in your own life. Someday you will need to set an example and show that you really know what you’re talking about or you really know what you’re doing.  Very important to practice what you preach! The more you practice the better you will be. 

The Law of Here and Now

Worrying about the past or future sends you off the Positivepath. Worrying manifests into nightmares and chaos. By continuing with a negative mind set we can’t move forward. Change your behavior so you can manifest new dreams. Stop looking back at what went wrong; instead look at today with what is going right in your life. Be self-aware of this very moment. Your moments affect your reality. If at this moment you are feeling excited and happy others around you will feel your happiness. The same goes for when you are angry or upset;those you are in contact with can feel your anger and upset. This is not to say you need to control your emotions, this means to be more self-aware of this very moment. When you become more self-aware this gives you the power to change at that very moment. When you have that negative feeling creeping in, you and only you have the power to change your here and now. 

The Law of Change 

When you are willing to change your right process a new lesson is learned, the cycle has broken. When you continue with the same mindset and not allow yourself to learn and grow your life cycle repeats itself over and over until the lesson is learned. How many times have you allowed yourself to be in the same situation multiple times, not recognizing that history is repeating itself? Allow yourself to adjust to change only then will you grow as a person and spiritual being. 

The Law of Patience and Reward 

This is a tough one because we all want things to happen right here and right now. This law is understanding of patience and the understanding that reward is coming. The reward will come when it’s supposed to, not when you want it too. When you focus less on the reward and more on what you’re doing, that which you desire will happen soon. When you focus more on getting the reward it takes longer to receive the reward. Have patience and keep doing what you’re supposed to do, don’t worry about the reward. 

The Law of Significance and Inspiration 

You get back what you put in. The harder you work at something the more fulfilling it will be. In other wordswhat this means to me is the more you work on yourself the happier life you will have. Everyone deserves a happy life but it takes work and dedication to yourself, to learn about yourself and embrace life’s lessons. Change your mind set and you will change your life. Put your energy into making a better you. Allow yourself to learn, love and teach.

So what does all of this mean to me? Here’s a simple break down:

Change, ask, believe, visualize, practice and receive. 

I teach a twelve week course that helps you visualize, practice and understand each of the Laws of Karma. I’m happy to teach you and help you with your next journey in life. Please send me a message or email shanusa77@gmail.com for more information and pricing. 

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