Manifesting what you want in life

Hello Beautiful People! Today I wanted to take a moment and talk about manifesting your hopes and dreams. How can you make what you truly desire and have a passion for, happen in real time and not just sit in your dream state. The answer Ask, Believe, See and Receive.

Start by being grateful for the things you already have in your life. You may not realize it, but right now you have some pretty great things happening. Maybe your in college at the moment and it’s crunch time. Be grateful you have that opportunity! Not everyone has the opportunity at this moment to be in your position. Maybe you are behind on your bills, look at what your trying to catch up on! Wether it’s your home or your vehicle, instead focus on I have a roof over my head, a vehicle to get me where I need to go and be grateful you have those things. Maybe someone is sick in your family. Instead of being upset they are sick, spend time with them and enjoy the moments you have with them, create great memories right now with them. Be grateful for what is going right at this very moment.

I’m going to revert to a passage in the Christian bible. No this isn’t a bible lesson, I’m not here to preach the spoken word to you, rather this is a life lesson but the words are true, Ask and it shall be given, seek and you shall find, knock and the door will be open to you; Matthew 7:7-8. It doesn’t matter what religion you believe in because there is a similar passage in every religious book written. Ask, Believe, See, Receive. Ask your ascended masters, it doesn’t matter which one you believe in. They are here to help but you have to ask them.

Envision yourself doing what it is you desire. If you want to buy a house envision yourself already living in that house. If you want your dream job envision yourself already working in that position, you want to start a business envision yourself with clients and doing your passion. See yourself doing what you desire.

Before you go to bed at night visualize yourself in the situation you desire. Consciously focus on that vision when you fall asleep. When your sleeping that is when your guides are giving you messages to help you on your path. When you focus on the things you don’t want especially in your sleep those unwanted things happen, right? It works both ways, change your mind set to visualize what you do want to happen. Keep it Positve. Don’t let your ego get in the way with negative thoughts. When negative thoughts creep in, that’s your ego, tell your ego to go somewhere else.

Believe you are achieving your goals. Stay away from “I will Try” Trying means you don’t believe in yourself, trying means your going to, (excuse my French) half ass it. Don’t half ass your goals, believe you are already hitting your goals. Believe in yourself, believe the situation you are in has ended and a new journey just began.

Once you Ask, Believe and See, you are ready for receive. Don’t get discouraged, be patient, in time that which you truly desire, your passion, your hopes and dreams will manifest itself. Stay positive, there’s always going to be bumps on the way, it’s how you react to those bumps, stay positive. Keep your eye on the prize. You got this!

Surround yourself with people that believe in you too. A great support system helps tremendously. If you don’t have one, find one. I have great support page on Facebook, Happy Mind=Happy Life, join the group or send me a message, I would be Happy to be your support system. Finding those who help encourage you to reach your dreams is important. It’s essential, that support system helps you encourages you and holds you accountable.

Are you ready to achieve your passion and dreams? Ask, Believe, See and Recieve. Now get out there and go get’em!

Namaste Beautiful People


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